Top 12 best localization companies and websites

01 The 10 Best Website Localization Services Companies e1725129927407

localization is a technique of language translation that relies on finding an alternative for an intended message in the target audience’s culture.  Hence it localizes the product or service, to make it appear like a local brand.  This technique is very important with the current lifestyle, since it is the most inclusive you can get […]

Why Google Translate Can be bad for your business

02 Reasons Why Google Translate Puts Your Company at Alarming Risk e1725129675213

There are over 500 million people use Google Translate daily for a variety of purposes. It’s undeniably an effective tool, in plenty of cases, like for a tourist lost on the transportation of a foreign company, or for a student trying to decode a new subject. There are plenty of possibilities, and in many cases, […]

The Ultimate Localization Checklist

Ultimate Localization Checklist

Localization is the art of tailoring a text, product, platform, or website to fit within the target audience’s culture and traditions. It is a deep process that requires attention for it to resonate with the audience and to leave its print.  Since it is a deep and detailed process, it follows steps and guidelines. These […]

What is subtitling translation?

subtitling translation

Subtitling is everywhere around us, and they’re no longer restricted to films. Any video/audio content can be subtitled.  It’s inherently translation, but with some technical and artistic conditions that give it the name “subtitling”.  And it’s making everyone’s lives easier. Watching foreign films, scrolling through multi-lingual social media content, accessing YouTube content, and much more […]

What is cultural localization?

Culture Localization

Cultural localization is becoming the bulletproof way to grow a business in today’s interconnected world. Customers have got a taste of the beauty of localization, and can now tell a good localized product from a poorly translated one.  The scoop for today is all about the strategy of transcending both languages and culture in the […]

What is Product Localization and it’s Benefits

Product Localization

In today’s world, a product takes many shapes and forms. Unlike the past centuries, products were mostly tangible things people buy from stores. Today, a product can be software, visual assets, online games, and even NFTs.  Therefore, you might want to think extremely big when interpreting the word Product in this article, because it’s becoming […]

Obstacles Gaming Companies Face When Localizing their game

01 Obstacles Gaming Companies Face When Localizing thier game e1724870839924

In recent years, gaming has become a global marketplace with audiences from all over the world. This massive growth in the number of gamers came mainly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic when people had different forms of communication. As a result of the pandemic, around 84% of the gaming companies said that they […]

Everything You Need to Know about Google Docs Translation

Ultimate Guide to Google Docs Translation

For folks who still like to use Microsoft Word in writing any document.  It’s all fun until you need to translate the entire document.  It’s when the application gives you no choice but to Ctrl-A, then Ctrl-C the document, and paste it Ctrl-V in another translation window, which could be Google Translate, DeepL, Reverso, or […]

Best (9) Localization tools in 2024

Best Localization tools in 2024

Localization is becoming more and more irreplaceable for brands and businesses. It started off as a ‘nice to have’ but now that brands got a taste of its benefits, it’s becoming more of a ‘must have’.  For those starting with localization, it could be a demanding process, depending on many factors like the target audience […]

What is Language Localization?

01 Language Localization scaled e1724700365587

A question that usually haunts a lot of people in the field of languages is “what is localization?” Localization is considered an advanced form of translation. It is more than the mere act of simply translating. Localization rather focuses on the culture of the target audience by indulging in its details and using its idioms, […]

8 eCommerce Translation Mistakes to Avoid

03 6 eCommerce Translation mistakes

According to Shopify’s 2023 e-commerce trends report, the e-commerce market grew by 13% in 2024, with a $4.84 billion revenue!  It’s expected to reach $5.42 billion by 2025. The most profitable e-commerce businesses being Fashion, food, and electronics. It wouldn’t take two guesses to know that e-commerce is the big thing and will continue to […]

Arabic eCommerce Localization: Invade the Gulf Region

03 Arabic eCommerce Localization

If you’re a US-based e-commerce website, you might have a good portion of customer landing on your website and they speak Arabic, and US dollars are not their currency. There are 420+ million Arabic speakers coming from a whole range of Arab and non-Arab countries. That’s a huge customer base you don’t want to miss […]

What is Localization Quality Assurance

03 Localization Quality Assurance

So far we’ve covered localization. In many of its aspects and types.  You think, actually localizing the product (whatever it is) is the most important process. But guess what? There is an equally important one called localization Quality Assurance.  It’s probably the final step in the journey, but little do we know! This step amounts […]

7 SaaS Localization Mistakes to Avoid

03 7 SaaS Localization Mistakes to Avoid for a Global Upscale

Imagine launching an app with tons of hype, only for it to flop because it missed the mark with local users. From irrelevant content, and foreign words, to confusing translations, localization mistakes can get messy if not done properly. In this article, we’ll spotlight common mistakes in SaaS localization and give you an idea of […]

Game Loclaziation Complete Guide

02 game loclaziation complete guide

There are over 3 billion video gamers worldwide, that’s one-third of the population.  According to Statista, the revenue of the video game industry is expected to reach 5+ billion dollars in the upcoming few years. The numbers are scary and yet exciting. They refer to only one thing: gaming is a universal language.  This begs […]

E-Learning Localization The Complete Guide

02 E learning localization the complete guide

Thanks to our globalized world, no one has to travel or relocate somewhere to learn a certain craft or skill that’s only taught by some last surviving medieval wizards in central France. Now, eLearning content that’s available online, for free, can reach anyone in the world with a few clicks.  Companies and corporations are benefiting […]

What Is Localization Testing?

02 What is localization testing

Ever wondered how some apps and websites feel so right, user experience-wise, no matter where you are in the world? That’s the work of magic of localization testing.  Although the term localization testing can be pretty straightforward, in fact, it’s more than just Quality assurance or proofreading it’s a holistic step that involves a bunch […]

Best Translation Services In United Arab Emirates

02 best translation services in united arab emirates

In the Arab world, what’s one destination that’s increasingly on top of the list for tourists and investors alike? You guessed it..Dubai.  The United Arab Emirates is one of the most attractive destinations. It’s like a huge welcoming hub for talents, immigrants, tourists, and of course business owners and investors.  According to UNCTAD 2023 World […]

Software Localization Complete Guide

02 software localization complete guide

ry software product owner can benefit from enabling it to speak in as many languages as possible-except for few individual cases where the product is made solely to address a narrow audience, but generally speaking, localizing software is like clicking a new key in a door of business opportunities and revenue. What is software localization, […]

Six Ways Transcreation Differs from Translation

english Six Ways Transcreation Differs from Translation

In the world of language and communication, precision matters. When it comes to crossing linguistic boundaries, two methods stand out: translation and transcreation. While they both involve transforming content from one language to another, they serve distinct purposes and carry unique nuances. How can we tell the difference between a translator and a transcreator? Do […]

Best localization agency in middle east

english best localization agency in middle east

Foreign businesses expanding to the Middle East for the first time shall embark on a journey of content localization that entails not only translating to the target Arab audience but doing that in a way that’s familiar to them. Despite living in a globalized world, businesses certainly recognize the importance of localizing to a specific […]

Medical Terminology Translation – challenges of translating medical terms

english Medical Terminology Translation Challenges and Addresses Palexgroup scaled e1717177532427

Before our now globalized world, there had been a time when nations were isolated. One nation could at a certain age have figured out cures for diseases and written those down in books, while another nation would’ve never been able to comprehend this knowledge, and therefore remain behind. Translation changed all of that.  Now, no […]

How Do You Create a Translation Services RFP

english How Do You Create a Request for Proposal for Translation Services

When a business is growing bigger, its need for linguistic services increases; the hunt for the best language service provider begins, and it turns out that there are plenty of great language service providers (LSPs) they can pick from. The next question is…how to decide on the best language service provider (LSP) for this business? […]

Cognitive Debriefing in Linguistic Validation

english Cognitive Debriefing in Linguistic Validation

When researchers are working on a new study, experiment, medicine…etc their work is never theoretical. It depends on the people this study is concerned with. Let’s say there is a new medication for ADHD, the team of researchers has written down a questionnaire and given it to linguists to translate, but how can they be […]
