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digital marketing localization benifits

As consumers, we receive the end result of marketing localization done by brands. 

On a daily basis, either while scrolling through social media, purchasing from websites, running an errand at the local store, or watching TV, international brands that have thousands of branches worldwide communicate with us in a special way. This special way is known as localization

In this article, we’ll enter the behind-the-scenes of marketing localization, how it is done, and what its benefits are, all the way to its challenges and best practices. 

What is marketing localization?

Marketing localization is a process approached by brands to make their services or products cater to the cultures of their audiences. Generally, this involves translating content to a certain locale to resonate with the target customer. 

In other words, it is the same concept of localization but applied to the marketing world. It involves the collaboration of different marketing departments like content creators, translators, copywriters, digital marketers…etc.

What does marketing localization cover?

To prove this further, let’s discuss several kinds of marketing materials that need to be localized. 


Website Localization

Since websites now act as the replacement for real-life stores, that has made businesses realize the importance of website localization on the customer experience. 

Website localization involves things as big as landing pages, PDF files, and menus. 

And as little as measuring units, time formats, time zones, and currencies.

An example of that is Amazon, which is localized in 70+ languages


Mobile App Localization

Similar to websites, brands that launch apps to different regions must localize them to each audience. 

Let’s say your app is built for English English-speaking audience, but also supports the Arabic language. 

Arabic language direction is from right to left, unlike English. Language direction as an important factor in the user interface is another crucial factor of localization.

Read more: What is mobile app localization and its importance?


Marketing Emails Localization 

Email marketing is a great asset to your business. it’s where they know about your discounts and product purchasing status, and engage with your customer service team. 

Not only do customers like to receive this information in their preferred language, they also appreciate emails that feel customized for them. 

For example, if a group of target customers are Muslims approaching the holy month of Ramadan, tackling that in email copies can go a long way.


Blog Posts Localization 

It’s great that you hired a skilled team of content creators to write meaningful content for customers. 

However, translating these articles into multiple languages can introduce your business to new markets, enhance visibility in search engines, and generally put you out there for customers to find you easily.


Read more: 11 Golden Steps for Website Localization


Advertising Copy Localization

The world of advertising is flooded with funny copies that were translated but not localized. 

One example of this was Mercedes Benz “Bensi” in the Chinese Market, which literally meant “rush to die”.

Localizing Ad copies plays a huge role in the way your brand presents itself to the customers. It ensures that both the meaning and the intended effect of the copy reach customers across cultures. 

For successful examples of Ad localization, you can check this article by Hunch.


Product Localization

 Modifying products or services to meet the needs and preferences of different markets.

This may involve adjusting product features, packaging, pricing, and distribution channels to align with local regulations, preferences, and cultural norms.

Careem, a ride-hailing app operating in the Middle East, has successfully localized its service to cater to the unique needs of the region. This includes features such as allowing users to book rides in advance to accommodate prayer times and offering female drivers for female passengers.


Read more: Localization glossary

Read more: Social Media Translation: How to Translate Your Content for Social Networks?


What are the benefits of localizing your digital marketing campaigns?

Enhancing SEO presence and organic visibility

Website localization involves keyword research and writing quality content. It also entails localizing visual content to the target market. 


Building possibilities in new markets

When localizing your website pages to languages other than English you’re putting yourself in new markets and potential customers.

However, this process involves lots of market research and behind-the-curtain work to make sure the way the brand presents itself in new markets leaves a good impression.


Customer satisfaction & Better user experience (UX)

We’ve talked about the localization of visual content, like images, website layout, and colors. Getting these elements correctly translates to a smoother experience that gains the loyalty of customers.


Marketing localization examples


In the UAE, the sportswear global brand has launched advertising campaigns featuring local athletes. Their website features plenty of hijabi-dressed models wearing items suitable for their traditions and customs, yet it’s blended with the global identity of Nike as an empowering and inclusive brand.



As one of the leading luxury brands, admired by the Arab population. Lacoste localizes its website in the holy month of Ramadan by dropping the Ramadan collection and making relevant illustrations that include Ramadan symbols, featuring characters wearing traditional Arab clothes, in addition to including landmarks of Saudi Arabia.



Most brands perceive seasons like Ramadan, or other religious holidays in the MENA as a chance to display cultural understanding or appreciation. 

IKEA is one of the leading brands that customizes the website for Ramadan vibes and sells products like Ramadan print cushions and decorations that customers love


Share A Coke Campaign

Coca-Cola in 2011 has thought of a brilliant idea that ended more than a decade of decline, the Share a Coke campaign was in many countries including Egypt.

The campaign localized its product packaging to have names popular in Egyptian culture printed on its bottles. The result was that everybody was eager to buy a bottle that had their name or the name of a loved one. It certainly would not have succeeded if the names were unfamiliar to Egyptians.



Marketing localization challenges

Two Many cooks in the kitchen

In other words, poor management; due to many people involved in the localization process. The issue is with conflicting feedback that can drive the project backward, or cause unnecessary delay because of conflict.


Poor alignment of resources & processes

Local marketing campaigns can be challenging for any global brand. Marketers need the right processes and technology to succeed. Otherwise, there’s a higher risk of errors, which leads to costly revisions. 

For example, translating marketing content manually using spreadsheets is slow and error-prone. This wastes time and money. Automating translation tasks with localization technology can streamline the process and eliminate inefficiencies.


Getting Cultural nuances correctly

Marketing localization can be summed up to one word “cultural understanding”. However, it is easier said than done. Cultural understanding involves being aware of cultural values, traditions, dos and don’ts, and different accents and dialects that are often overlooked.

In a MENA country like Egypt, for each region, there is more than one dialect, when you look at it this way. Marketing to the rural regions of the south is different from those living in the urban cities who speak other dialects. The same goes for most Arab countries. 


Rules and Regulations

Entering a new market is not only about content localization. Another important part is to comply with its laws and regulations. This requires research. Still, it’s vital to do so to prevent any potential legal issues.

An example of such laws could you the marketing of drugs, or alcoholic drinks in countries that prohibit or control its consumption like in the MENA region.


Insufficient market research

A prevalent reason for unsuccessful global marketing endeavors is the insufficient time allocated for comprehensive market research before implementing a global campaign. Most of the failed localization examples out there could have been dodged with more time spent on market research.


Misinterpreting global campaigns 

When there’s a disconnection between global marketing strategies and local perspectives, it resembles attempting to dance to two distinct melodies. 

For instance, if the global strategy prioritizes the product’s user experience, while the local team believes that affordability is the top priority for consumers.

This lack of understanding or misalignment can result in failing campaigns that don’t communicate the objectives of the global brand vision.



Top 5 best practices for marketing localization


Prioritize Website Pages Translation

When it comes to website translation, you will need to take it step by step because it might not be possible to translate them all at once. Therefore, it’s best to prioritize which pages to translate, for example (the home page, product page, menu, refund, and exchange policy…etc)


Optimizing Website Visuals

Aesthetics differ from one culture to another. The color red in one region resembles wealth, while in another it symbolizes violence. It’s half of the job to make your website look visually appealing. 


This encompasses plenty of factors like images used, the models in product pictures, and the overall layout, asking questions like whether is it minimalist or information-dense.


Collaborate with Local Influencers

Influencers have become an essential part of your marketing process. Choosing influencers whom your audience trusts can establish credibility. 


Keep Up with Trends

Staying informed about all the current happening, especially in a market you are just about to enter, is detrimental. That includes keeping up with all sorts of trends, political events, religious events like Ramadan or Eid…etc. You want to show awareness of responsiveness to this local context.


Save time with MT & TMS 

Consider using machine translation for low-impact content to save time and the cost of hiring more translators. However, you might need to rely on human translation for high-visibility or sensitive material. 


Next to that, investing in a translation management system can gather your team in one place, streamline processes, and keep documents secured without being scattered all over spreadsheets.


Understand Customer Habits

To ensure effective localization, understand your target markets and work with local experts. Create local buyer personas for each country, considering demographics, interests, and purchasing habits.



How fast trans can help you with localizing your marketing campaigns into Arabic?

Fast Trans prides itself on being one of the leading translation companies in digital localization services

Over the years, we have handled big clients like EMAAR, ZED International, Orascom development, and Etisalat, who have wide presence in the market for decades. Our team is highly skilled in handling a wide array of translation services, delivering impeccable quality at a competitive price!

Fast Trans provides certified localization in more than 215 languages. We strive to help you unlock the potential of your global audience.

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