What Is Localization Testing?

Ever wondered how some apps and websites feel so right, user experience-wise, no matter where you are in the world? That’s the work of magic of localization testing. 

Although the term localization testing can be pretty straightforward, in fact, it’s more than just Quality assurance or proofreading it’s a holistic step that involves a bunch of aspects that make it more complicated than that. How’s that?

Let’s cut to the chase and get right into the what, why, and hows of Localization Testing.


What is localization testing?

Localization testing is a process used to ensure that software, websites, and applications are adapted for a specific locale or market. This includes checking things such as translation accuracy, cultural relevancy, and feature functionality.  

It involves tweaking and fine-tuning software, websites, or apps so they’re not just translated, but feel native to the local audience.

Think of it as giving your app a local makeover. It’s not just about words – it’s about making sure dates, currencies, and even colors make sense to someone in Tokyo as much as someone in New York. 

It’s all about creating a seamless, enjoyable experience for everyone, everywhere. 


Understanding Localization Testing Related Terms

Let’s break down some jargon! Localization testing is part of a bigger picture that includes a few key terms:



Also abbreviated as (i18n). You can think of it as prepping your app to be world-ready, like making sure its infrastructure is flexible for all kinds of localization, so it can easily switch languages and formats without a hitch.

Internationalization (i18n) involves separating the source code from textual content so it can be localized to any language without the need to change the source code every time.



Abbreviated as (L10n). It’s obviously the actual adaptation process – translating text, tweaking images, and making sure everything fits the local culture. 

It’s the linguistic process of translating and adapting textual and nontextual content to match a specific local audience.



Globalization ties it all together, ensuring your app/software is universally accessible and culturally relevant. It’s a step beyond internationalization. 


When’s the right time for localization testing? 

By now, you might be wondering “Well,  localization testing is indeed a crucial process but when exactly is the right time to implement it?


During Product Development

The best time to kick off localization testing is right from the development stage. Integrate it into your agile development cycles to ensure that localization issues are identified and addressed promptly.


Pre-Release Testing Stage

Before the big launch, you need to engage in thorough pre-release localization testing to ensure everything works perfectly across all target locales. After all, no one wants to risk the launching of a halfway-tested product.


Post-Release Updates

Post-launch, users will indeed have some feedback on your product. Therefore, it’s necessary to maintain a routine of ongoing localization testing to adapt to any changes or updates. This proactive approach helps catch issues early on.


Localization testing best practices: an essential checklist 

Here’s a handy checklist of what works for people when it comes to localization testing that can help you achieve better results:


Start Early

Kick things off during the development phase. The sooner you start testing, the easier it is to catch issues.


Use Native Speakers

Involve native speakers in your testing process. They bring invaluable cultural insights because they already speak the local of your target audience.


Test in Real Environments

Always test in settings that reflect actual user conditions. Think of different devices, operating systems, and browsers.


Check Functional Elements

Validate key functionalities, such as date formats and currency conversions. It’s all about making sure everything works smoothly.


Maintain Consistent Terminology

Develop a glossary of key terms to keep your messaging clear and consistent across all languages.


Benefits of localization testing 

Here’s the way to localization testing:


Expanded Market Reach

Localization opens doors to various demographics, helping you grow your customer base, the more customers you are able to address, properly, the more international markets will welcome you.


Increased User Engagement

When users feel that a product speaks to them, expect their satisfaction and loyalty to increase. It’s not every day that users engage with apps or websites that care about their experience.


Error Reduction

Thorough localization testing allows you to identify and fix bugs early on, enhancing reliability, so that when your product is finally live, you won’t risk negative feedback that’s so hard to turn around.


Competitive Edge

By offering a well-localized product, you differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace. It can get quite lonely at the top because not all competitors are focused on going globally.


How Fast Trans can help with localization testing?

Localization Testing should be a simple and smooth process that unlocks the potential of your application, website, or software and not a bumpy or confusing process. 

Therefore, at Fast Trans, we provide localization testing services with top-tier quality that can let you confidently launch the product to the world without an inch of doubt.

Get in touch with us to know all the details regarding localization Testing, and feel free to have a look at our comprehensive Localization Services here.

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